Jake and Becca

On Saturday, I had the privilege of photographing this beautiful girl's wedding. I had not met her until the day of the wedding. I was pleasantly surprised by her and her family and friends. I could feel the love that Becca had for her parents and sisters and mostly Jake.

Becca, not surprisingly did not sleep the night before and was up and at the church by 8:30. Though tired, the excitement emanated from her! She cracked jokes and laughed at her self and was just so happy for her big day! And She was absolutely beautiful! The mother of the bride was a little stressed but constantly smiling too. The time line for the day was such that we had plenty of time for pictures and gave everyone a chance to breath. The words spoken at the ceremony were so sweet and there was such a good feeling in the room. There is not mistaking that Jake and Becca really love each other!

The day was so much fun, from mustaches to super hero shirts under their suits to, "You ruined the moment cause you bit me!"There was plenty of laughter and fun! Best wishes Jake and Becca on your new life together and thanks for letting me be a part of the best day of your life!